Feature: Create sauna
As forum software this is probably quite important
I want to be able to make a new sauna
So that peoples can post and sign-up and everything
Scenario: Plain Sauna
Given I want a "Sauna" called "Test Sauna"
And I want an admin called "John Doe" with password "password"
When the Sauna is created
Then the Sauna should be called "Test Sauna"
And the admin should be called "John Doe"
Scenario: Login
Given a Sauna already exists
And I want to log in as "johndoe" with a password "password"
When I log in
Then log out
Scenario: Create Discussion
Given a Sauna already exists
And I am logged in as "johndoe" with a password "password"
And I want to create a discussion called "Test Discussion"
When I create the discussion
Then it's name should be "Test Discussion"
Scenario: Create Post
Given a Discussion "Test Discussion" already exists
And I am logged in as "johndoe" with a password "password"
And I want to create a post called "Test Post" with content "Hey a post that looks __AWESOME__"
When I create the post
Then it's name should be "Test Post"