package rdf
import (
func TestRss09Feed(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
file, _ := os.Open("testdata/rss09.rdf")
defer file.Close()
parser := Parser{}
if ok := parser.CanRead(file, charset.NewReaderLabel); !assert.True(ok) {
if _, err := file.Seek(0, 0); !assert.Nil(err) {
channels, err := parser.Read(file, nil, charset.NewReaderLabel)
assert.Len(channels, 1)
channel := channels[0]
assert.Equal("Mozilla Dot Org", channel.Title)
if assert.Len(channel.Links, 1) {
assert.Equal("", channel.Links[0].Href)
assert.Equal("the Mozilla Organization\n web site", channel.Description)
assert.Equal("Mozilla", channel.Image.Title)
assert.Equal("", channel.Image.URL)
assert.Equal("", channel.Image.Link)
if assert.Len(channel.Items, 5) {
assert.Equal("New Status Updates", channel.Items[0].Title)
assert.Equal("", channel.Items[0].Links[0].Href)
assert.Equal("Bugzilla Reorganized", channel.Items[1].Title)
assert.Equal("", channel.Items[1].Links[0].Href)
assert.Equal("Mozilla Party, 2.0!", channel.Items[2].Title)
assert.Equal("", channel.Items[2].Links[0].Href)
assert.Equal("Unix Platform Parity", channel.Items[3].Title)
assert.Equal("", channel.Items[3].Links[0].Href)
assert.Equal("NPL 1.0M published", channel.Items[4].Title)
assert.Equal("", channel.Items[4].Links[0].Href)
func TestSteamFeed(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
file, _ := os.Open("testdata/steam-news.xml")
defer file.Close()
parser := Parser{}
if ok := parser.CanRead(file, charset.NewReaderLabel); !assert.True(ok) {
if _, err := file.Seek(0, 0); !assert.Nil(err) {
channels, err := parser.Read(file, nil, charset.NewReaderLabel)
assert.Len(channels, 1)
channel := channels[0]
assert.Equal("Steam RSS News Feed", channel.Title)
if assert.Len(channel.Links, 1) {
assert.Equal("", channel.Links[0].Href)
assert.Equal("All Steam news, all the time!", channel.Description)
if assert.Len(channel.Items, 20) {
item := channel.Items[0]
assert.Equal("Free Weekend - Fallout 4 - 67% Off", item.Title)
if assert.Len(item.Links, 1) {
assert.Equal("", item.Links[0].Href)
assert.Equal("2017-05-25T10:15:00-0700", item.PubDate)
assert.Equal("Valve", item.Author.Name)
if assert.Len(item.Categories, 1) {
assert.Equal("Valve news update", item.Categories[0].Text)
assert.Equal(`Play <a href=''>Fallout 4</a> for FREE starting now through Sunday at 1PM Pacific Time. You can also pickup <a href=''>Fallout 4</a> at 67% off the regular price!*<br><br>If you already have Steam installed, <a href='steam://run/377160'>click here</a> to install or play Fallout 4. If you don't have Steam, you can download it <a href=''>here</a>.<br><br>*Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time<br><a href=""><img src="" style=" float: left; margin-right: 12px; height: 181px; width: 467px;"></a>`, item.Content.Text)
item = channel.Items[1]
assert.Equal("Weekend Deal - Don't Starve, 75% Off", item.Title)
if assert.Len(item.Links, 1) {
assert.Equal("", item.Links[0].Href)
assert.Equal("2017-05-25T10:05:00-0700", item.PubDate)
assert.Equal("Valve", item.Author.Name)
if assert.Len(item.Categories, 1) {
assert.Equal("Valve news update", item.Categories[0].Text)
assert.Equal(`Save up to 75% on the <a href=''>Don't Starve series</a> as part of this week's Weekend Deal*!<br><br>*Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time<br><br><a href=""><img src="" style=" float: left; margin-right: 12px; height: 181px; width: 467px;"></a><br><br><a href=""><img src="" style=" float: left; margin-right: 12px; height: 181px; width: 467px;"></a>`, item.Content.Text)
item = channel.Items[2]
assert.Equal("Daily Deal - Glittermitten Grove, 40% Off", item.Title)
if assert.Len(item.Links, 1) {
assert.Equal("", item.Links[0].Href)
assert.Equal("2017-05-25T10:00:00-0700", item.PubDate)
assert.Equal("Valve", item.Author.Name)
if assert.Len(item.Categories, 1) {
assert.Equal("Valve news update", item.Categories[0].Text)
assert.Equal(`Today's Deal: Save 40% on <a href=''>Glittermitten Grove</a>!*<br><br>Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on <a href=''>twitter</a> or <a href=''>Facebook</a> for instant notifications wherever you are!<br><br>*Offer ends Saturday at 10AM Pacific Time<br><a href=""><img src="" style=" float: left; margin-right: 12px; height: 181px; width: 467px;"></a>`, item.Content.Text)