# clive
Clive lets you easily create command line interfaces, from simply checking for
the presence of a few flags to multiple command behemoths.
## Install
Install with:
``` bash
$ gem install clive
## Usage
> __NOTE__: Throughout I will be using the new 1.9 `{a: b}` hash syntax,
> obviously the old `{:a => b}` syntax still works and can be used if you want
> or where 1.8 compatibility is needed.
Clive is generally used by creating a class to hold your command line interface
as shown in the example below.
``` ruby
# my_app.rb
require 'clive'
module MyApp
VERSION = "0.1.4"
# some code
class CLI < Clive
config name: 'myapp'
opt :v, :version, 'Display the current version' do
puts MyApp::Version
exit 0
result = MyApp::CLI.run
Then run with `my_app.rb --version` to display the version for MyApp. By default
`#run` will use `ARGV` as the input, but you can pass something else if
`.run` returns an instance of `Clive::StructHash` by default, this is a hybrid
hash and struct allowing you to access keys by calling them or using `#[]`. It
also stores any extra arguments that may have been passed which can be accessed
with `#args` or `#[:args]`.
``` ruby
class CLI
opt :n, :name, args: '<first> <last>'
opt :age, arg: '<age>', as: Integer
result = CLI.run %w(--name John Doe --age 23 "I like coding!")
bio = result.args #=> "I like coding!"
name = result.name #=> ['John', 'Doe']
age = result.age #=> 23
This simple example shows how Clive can handle multiple arguments, casting to
types (Integer in this case) and how extra arguments are stored in `#args`.
## Options
Options are defined using `#opt` and/or `#option` they can have short (`-a`) or
long names (`--abc`) and can also have arguments. The description can be given
as an argument to `#opt` or can be defined before it using `#desc` (or
``` ruby
opt :v, :version, 'Display the current version' do
# ...
# is equivalent to
desc 'Display the current version'
opt :v, :version do
# ...
Longer option names, containing `_`s are called by replacing the `_` with a `-` so
``` ruby
opt :longer_name_than_expected
would be called with `--longer-name-than-expected`.
### Boolean Options
Boolean options are options which can be called with a `no-` prefix, which then
passes `false` to the block/state. For example,
``` ruby
bool :a, :auto
Can be called with `-a` or `--auto` which would set `:auto` to `true`, or
`--no-auto` which sets `:auto` to `false`. If a block is given you can retrieve
the truth by adding block parameters or using the `truth` variable which is
automatically set.
``` ruby
bool :a, :auto do |t|
puts t
# OR
bool :a, :auto do
puts truth
Boolean options __must__ have a long name.
## Commands
Commands are defined using `#command`. They can be used to group related Options
together acting like a namespace, but Commands are fully featured Options so can
also take arguments. Commands can be created with multiple names.
``` ruby
desc 'Create a new project'
command :new, :create, arg: '<dir>', as: Pathname do
# Set the default type to use
set :type, :basic
desc 'Select type of template to use'
opt :type, arg: '<choice>', in: %w(basic complex custom), as: Symbol
bool :force, 'Force overwrite'
action do
puts "Creating #{get :type} in #{dir}"
# do writing
The above example also shows using the `#set` and `#get` methods, these allow
you to set and get values from the state. Also note how the logic for executing
the `new` command is given to `#action`, this is because the block passed to
`#command` is used for option definition.
## Arguments
As previously talked about Options and Commands can take arguments by passing a
hash with the key `:arg` or `:args`.
``` ruby
opt :size, args: '<height> <width>'
The option `--size` takes two arguments. These would be saved to state as an array,
for instance running with `--size 10 40` would set `:size` to `['10', '40']`.
Arguments can be made optional by enclosing one or more arguments with `[` and `]`:
``` ruby
# both required
opt :size, args: '<h> <w>'
# --size 10 #=> Error
# first required
opt :size, args: '<h> [<w>]'
# --size 10 #=> [10, nil]
# second required
opt :size, args: '[<h>] <w>'
# --size 10 #=> [nil, 10]
# neither required
opt :size, args: '[<h> <w>]'
# --size 10 #=> [10, nil]
You can make an argument 'infinite' by appending the name with `...`, like
`<arg>...`. Optional-ness is respected so `<arg>...` expects at least one argument
whereas `[<arg>...]` takes 0 or more arguments. Infinite arguments also play well
with standard arguments, and will return arrays of items even if only one argument
was passed.
``` ruby
opt :items, :arg => '<thing>...'
# --items #=> Error
# --items iPad #=> ['iPad']
# --items iPad iPod #=> ['iPad', 'iPod']
opt :items, :arg => '[<thing>...]'
# --items #=> []
# and same as previously in other cases
opt :items, :arg => '<amount> <thing>...', :as => [Integer, nil]
# --items 5 iPad iMac #=> [5, 'iPad', 'iMac']
There are also various options that can be passed to constrain or change the
arguments. If one of the below is passed to an option with `:arg` or `:args`
a generic argument called `<arg>` will be added.
### Types (`:types`, `:type`, `:kind` or `:as`)
An argument will be checked if it matches how the type should look, then converts
it to that type. For more information see `lib/clive/type/definitions.rb`.
``` ruby
opt :list, as: Array
This accepts a comma delimited list of items, `--list a,b,c` and sets `:list` to
`['a', 'b', 'c']`.
### Matches (`:matches` or `:match`)
Allows you to say that an argument must match a regular expression (or any object
which responds to `#match`).
``` ruby
opt :word, match: /^\w+$/
This accepts `--word hello` but not `--word 123`.
### Withins (`:withins`, `:within` or `:in`)
Allows you to say that an argument must be within a passed Array, Set or Range
(any object which responds to `#include?`).
``` ruby
opt :num, in: "1".."100"
This accepts `--num 50` but not `--num 900`. The example above had to use a range
of Strings because that is what is passed, you can use this with `:type` to use
``` ruby
opt :num, as: Integer, in: 1..100
Would work in the same way as the one above but return an Integer.
### Defaults (`:defaults` or `:default`)
Allows you to give a default value that should be used if an argument is not
``` ruby
opt :type, default: 'house'
So `--type` would set `:type` to `'house'`, but `--type shed` would set `:type`
to `'shed'`. The default value is only set if the option is used. To set a value
regardless of whether the option is used use `#set` in the class or commands
``` ruby
set :type, 'house'
opt :type
Would always set `:type` to `'house'` even when `--type` is not used.
### Constraints (`:constraint` or `:constraint`)
Allows you to constrain the argument using a Proc, this is to cover the very
few events where the above options do not satisfy the requirements.
``` ruby
opt :long_word, constraint: -> i { i.size >= 7 }
Accepts `--long-word eventually` but not `--long-word event`. You can also pass
a symbol which will have `#to_proc` called on it.
``` ruby
opt :odd, as: Integer, constraint: :odd?
This only accepts odd Integers.
## Runner
All blocks passed to options or given to a command's action are run in the Runner
class. This provides a few shortcuts to make life easier. Here is a quick run down
with examples.
### Argument Referencing
You can reference an options or commands arguments directly by name without having
to use block parameters.
``` ruby
opt :size, args: '<height> <width>', as: [Float, Float] do # no params!
puts "Area = #{height} * #{width} = #{height * width}"
As shown earlier the truthiness of a boolean option is set to the value `truth`.
### Working with the State
Four fundamental methods are defined for working with the state, `#get`, `#set`,
`#update` and `#has?`.
`#get` allows you to get values previously set.
``` ruby
opt :get_some_key do
puts get(:some_key) #=> value set for :some_key
`#set` allows you to set values in the state.
``` ruby
opt :set_some_key, arg: '<value>' do
set :some_key, value
`#update` allows you to modify a value in the state.
``` ruby
set :list, []
opt :add, arg: '<item>' do
update :list, :<<, item
# or using a block
update(:list) {|l| l << item }
`#has?` tells you whether a value has been set for the key.
``` ruby
opt :has_some_key do
puts has?(:some_key)
## Help Formatters
Clive comes with two help formatters, one with colour and the other without. To use
the plain formatter (colour is default), use
``` ruby
class CLI < Clive
config formatter: Clive::Formatter::Plain.new
# ...
To create your own formatter take a look at `lib/clive/formatter.rb`.
## Clive::Output
`clive/output` contains various monkey patches on String that allow you to easily
colourise output.
``` ruby
puts "I'm blue".blue # will print blue text
puts "I'm green and bold".green.bold # will print green and bold text
puts "Crazy".blue.l_yellow_bg.underline
# etc
Colours available: white, green, red, magenta, yellow, blue, cyan, black.
Effects available: bold, underline, blink, reverse.
Light versions can be used by prepending the name with `l_`, ie. `l_red`, the light
version of black is called grey.
All colours can be used as backgrounds by appending `_bg`, ie. `red_bg`, light
backgrounds are as expected, `l_red_bg`.
## Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010-12 Joshua Hawxwell. See LICENSE for details.