A library for your ebooks
A music library manager
A garden-of-news(?) style feed aggregator
Automatic library-wide shuffle for mpd.
Automatic shuffle for mpd
String -> Tokens -> (AST)
attr_accessor for class level instance variables.
A command-line drum machine, written in Ruby
Simple web proxy that publishes details of requests to redis
The option parser.
Documentation for your (web) api
Collection of my Dockerfiles
Cover your code.
Simple echoing webserver
A little Sinatra app to convert characters in to the proper HTML entities.
Playing with the Esendex Push Notification API
media-key events -> mpd
¬ GitHub
Script to help making and releasing gems easier.
Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on files modifications.
Guard::Sass automatically rebuilds sass files when modified (like sass --watch)
Guard::Shell automatically runs shell commands when watched files are modified.
Basic subcommands to complement the flag package.
Not yet...
A static site generator.
Aggregate your last (tweet / blog post / photo / listen / ...) onto a single page.
Single-user port of jstn/ihardlyknowher
an irc server, if i recall correctly
A selection of image manipulation tools
Extensions to img
Port (kinda) of straup/filtr to use img
Implementable interfaces in ruby
A build monitor for jenkins
Show a stream of your online activity with jQuery
Deletes all scrobbles made after a duration
Function based HTML templating for Go
Pretty logging to console
A JSON Activity Streams 2.0 reader
Scrobbler for mpd
Update your slack status to the current song playing in mpd
Display/control mpd from Ubuntu's sound menubar item
An Espresso sugar for Mustache Templates
Request routers
a triple store (sqlite + json for values)
github.com/Overcomplicated/website ported to elm, kinda
¬ Instapaper
Parsey matches a string with a pattern to retrieve data from it.
a forgetful blog
please excuse the very generic name; I have lost imagination
Update your slack status when different processes are running
Easy publishing of #each-able items over SFTP.
A selection of random pieces of possibly useful code
An implementation of http://microformats.org/wiki/RelMeAuth
A webapp for running (remote) retrospectives
A river.js reader
A river.js generator
Admin panel for riviera
A request router
A Ruby sugar for MacRabbit's Espresso text editor
An Espresso sugar for SASS
[DEAD] A forum written in Ruby, using Sinatra
Tool to send files to S3
Seqs cycle over elements of an array.
Simple xml to object deserialisation for Ruby
Minimal fuss rack server hooks.
[DEAD] A wrapper for the CloudApp REST API
An smtp server (wip)
A micropub speaking blog
Todo, a simple ruby app to manage your todo list
A fullpage <textarea> authenticated with IndieAuth
tinyletter ⇉ rss feed
scrobble catcher
A collection of tumblr themes created by me.
Deletes all tweets sent after a duration
Like, a feed of your twitter stream
Like, a feed of all the links in your twitter stream
A JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature.
A functional, stack-based, concatenative programming language
A local webapp for writing everyday
ruby client for the esendex api
go client for the esendex api
Yet Another MassTransit Implementation